Having these guidelines in place help the sale run efficiently. Following them will help your items sell and will help your drop off procedure run quickly and smoothly. Please contact me if you have any questions.
2. Collect your items
- New/gently used children and maternity clothes, baby equipment, toys, etc (see accepted/unaccepted). Must consign at least 20 items, no maximum limit at this time.
- Items needed for packaging and tagging including: hangers, a fine tagging gun, card stock, plastic wrap, clear baggies (varying sizes), painters tape, zip ties, batteries.
3. Clean and Inspect your items
- Clothes, blankets, bedding, fabric toys must be clean, without stains or damage.
- Toys must be clean and working. Please check to make sure each item has working batteries and replace if needed.
- Think about it, you wouldn't be happy buying an item that is stained or damaged so chances are those items won't sell.
- Check for recalled items at the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
4. Prepare/Package Items (The nicer they are packaged the more likely they will sell)
- Clothes
- Use a tagging gun to tag through tags or over-stitch hem only. DO NOT TAG THROUGH THE FABRIC- it will make a hole in your item causing it to be passed over during quality check-in at drop-off.
- Hang clothes on hangers so that the hanger is facing the same way as a question mark (?).
- Use appropriate sized hangers or place rubber bands on the ends of the hanger to prevent them from ending up on the floor. Wire hangers can be molded and bent to fit items better and prevent slipping.
- Pin shorts/pants to the top wire of the hanger, not the bottom wire (as pictured below) this will prevent the item from sliding together, making it hard to view).
- Zip zippers, button buttons.
- Combine items (ex. two t-shirts on one hanger) or make outfits using safety pins to attach items on the same hanger.
- Place any loose items in a clear plastic baggie (ex. socks, infant hats, bibs, hair accessories).
- Books
- Sell individually or combine.
- Can be placed in clear plastic baggies or tied securely together with string/twine- please do not use tape to bundle books.
- Be sure to use painters tape when tagging, other tapes may rip the covers.
- Toys
- Accessories to a larger toy are to be placed in clear plastic baggies and attached to the toy with painters tape.
- Wrap puzzles in plastic wrap or place in baggies. Use painters tape on boxes when tagging.
- Shoes
- Zip tie or tie using string/twine shoes together.
5. Enter Items in the My Little Bugs consignor program to prepare your tags.
- To enter your items, click here or on the consignor login button on the home page. Once logged in, and your seller's agreement is signed, click on "work with consigned inventory" and then again click "work with my consigned items".
- Give a brief description of each packaged item (ex. Carter's red ladybug t-shirt) and YOU select the price. You earn 70% of the selling price. Note that a $10 non-refundable participation fee is due at time of registration. (see Pricing page for more information).
- Select "discount/reduce" if you want your items to be sold with the 50% discount on the final day of sale.
- Select "donate" if you wish your unsold items be taken to the local charity organization at the end of the sale. On your tag, a dot will appear, labeling it a donated item. Your items will automatically be discounted if you are choosing to donate them at the end of the sale (something is better than nothing). Any unsold items can be brought to a future sale, and you do not need to create a new tag.
6. Print tags
- Use 60-65 lb. white card stock when printing tags. We also provide printing at $2.50 per sheet.
- We have switched to smaller tags recently, and these will print 10 per page. Cut into individual tags. Fine tagging guns are highly recommended now that we have switched to the smaller tags.
7. Attach Tags to Items
- Using a FINE tagging gun, attach tag to clothing. It is best to attach the tagging barb through the tag of the clothing. If there is no tag flip the collar or waist and attach through the overstitch hem under the shoulder of the shirt. (see photo above)
- Tape tags onto other objects, bags or boxes. Use painters tape on books, cardboard boxes or any other item that may rip with other tapes.
- Good news! Any unsold items will not need retagged for the next sale. Simply add it to your next sales inventory! (even when we switch tags the old tags will still scan- no need to retag.